Friday, August 10, 2012

Important Facts

Sharing some facts about families who are served by Children International in the city of Barranquilla where Leonardo lives:

"The families we serve in Barranquilla face a variety of daily challenges. parents often don't have steady jobs, and low wages mean they can't always provide nutritious food for their children-making malnutrition and other illnesses a real possibility. In order to work, some parents much leave their children at home during the day, exposing them to potential risks that come without parental supervision.

Far too often we find that the parents who didn't complete their education don't always understand the importance of keeping their own children in school. We do what we can to encourage attendance so that children find more positive ways to spend their time and avoid exposure to crime, drugs, and violence.

Some benefits of sponsorship:
Basic health care and medicine
Educational suppoort, such as school supplies, for those in school
New clothing and shoes

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